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TELUGU SERVICE - Sundays - 8:00 am - 10:00 am

ENGLISH SERVICE - Sundays - 10:30 am - 1 pm

The worship service begins with a note of welcome and words of invocation as a call to worship. 


The leader begins the service with a scripture passage and prayer. 


The worship leader expounds attributes of God from the Scriptures for a few minutes and the worship team leads in appropriate songs of praise to the Lord in personal and corporate worship.


After a brief time of announcements and free-will offerings, the church spends time in corporate intercession for the prevailing situations and for the saints and servants of God. 


Immediately following, Word of God is expounded by God’s servant. Topics may vary from study of any book of the Bible or any Character in the Bible. The team of Preachers and teachers choose topics and doctrines as they feel led by the Spirit. The message then leads to the conduct and participation of the the Lord’s Table. 


We believe that participation in the Lord’s Table is very essential for believers to renew their commitment to the Lord regularly and rectify their errors in their daily walk with the Lord. Only born again believers participate in the Table. 


The service closes with prayer and benediction. 


The believers then gather for a time of fellowship and bonding with fellow believers over snacks and cups of tea.


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