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Wholesome Ways to Win Over Challenges In The Church

Updated: Dec 5, 2021

When God created the Garden of Eden- it was meant to be a place of absolute joy, peace and comfort for the first man. When man fell to sin and disobedience, sorrow took the place of joy, restlessness the place of peace and shame and grief the place of comfort.

God being God, chose to send His son- Jesus Christ to redeem sin, help regain lost joy, comfort and peace. While we enjoy the most precious gift of salvation- GOD chose US- THE CHURCH as a bride for HIS SON- LORD JESUS.

Since all of us are sinners by birth, we fault by nature. But as we begin to grow in our Spiritual walk, everyday we try our best to be the very best image of the Lord Himself.

Yet, we come across many challenges in our own self - The Church.

How can we conquer them and inturn bring our spotless Sanctuary with USthrough Us.

As Colossians 4:2-6 states - We must strive to do these 5 pointers.

Watch full sermon in the below video. Sermon starts at 01:27:40

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Unknown member
Oct 20, 2021

Thank you!

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