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Updated: Oct 14, 2021

As we live in a broken world, amidst terrible conditions, we ought to remind ourselves that we have a permanent abode – HEAVEN! This beautiful depiction is recorded in 1 Peter, a fascinating book which talks about HOPE, THE COMING INHERITANCE and ENDURANCE.

Read on to know what God has in store for us at EHOW, Begumpet this week when we learnt about our LIVING HOPE. We pray that the power of God will engulf you as you learn His truths and treasures that are kept hidden in 1 Peter.


1 Peter is one of the books in the Bible which summarizes the practical tips of Christian living. Just because our Heavenly abode is permanent, we cannot neglect how we live on earth. It is therefore important that we live a life that deserves that permanent glorious life that has been prepared for us.

What will you learn in 1 Peter:

  • How do you live a holy life?

  • How do you live under authorities?

  • Instructions for husbands, wives, children, employees, employers, etc.

Most of Paul’s letters are broadly categorized into two sections –

  1. Doctrine/ Belief/ Basis for our Conduct (Theory)

  2. What you need to do (Practical)

Likewise, 1 Peter 1: 1-12 talks about the Doctrine and the rest of the book talks about holy living. Let’s delve into this precious treasure and explore its riches and blessings, verse by verse –


The word ‘chosen’ does not mean that God selected a few out of partiality. It was based on their response to God that He chose them and treasured them. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” This means that out of the world, a few people turned to Him and God chose them and made them His own children because they RESPONDED to Him. Let’s go verse by verse to understand this better.

Verse 1 – Peter became “an Apostle of Jesus Christ”

Who was Peter?? What comes to your mind when you think of him? He was that instinctive person who was always quick to react and speak. He even lied without thinking twice (when he denies Christ thrice). In short, he was always associated with failure.

But what had become of Peter in the eyes of our Lord? – An Apostle of Jesus Christ! Having known his fickle minded nature and his character, Jesus calls him, ‘THE ROCK’. If God could choose Peter, He can definitely choose you and me. What a great comfort!

Verse 2 –Chosen according to the foreknowledge of God”

History: To briefly describe the then times when Peter wrote this letter to God’s elect, the churches were going through difficult times because Christianity was being persecuted. The Emperor was against Christianity and anybody who professed Christianity was being persecuted. In short, the world around them was going through various problems. It is in the midst of these difficult times that Peter writes this letter to instruct them.

He calls them as ‘exiles’ – Chosen/ Elect/ Set – apart/ Separated/ Taken out of this world. This means that our permanent citizenship is in HEAVEN.


God CHOSE YOU, according to His foreknowledge, according to His grace and His great mercy. Are we living as His chosen people?


Verse 2Sanctifying work of the Spirit. There are two things that we are sanctified/saved for –

  1. To be obedient to Jesus Christ

  2. Sprinkled with His blood (Salvation)

In other words,

God sprinkled His blood and made us NEW – Justification/ New-birth experience.

Expects us to be obedient – Day-to-Day Sanctification

Therefore, we are reborn, made afresh where THE OLD has gone and THE NEW BIRTH has come.

Why did he do it?? – It is because of His grace and mercy.

Grace – Deals with GUILT. We are guilty with sin, God showed His grace and SAVED us.

Mercy – Talks about our MISERY. We were in miserable situations but God showed mercy and brought us out.

Example: The Blind man at Jericho who cries, “God, have mercy on me!” – He was in a miserable situation and he begged for mercy.

Personal Application:

Dear friend, we always stand in a desperate need for God’s grace and mercy as we are guilty of the sinful state of our hearts. God has given us grace and mercy and saved us. It is therefore imperative that we ought to live as CHOSEN PEOPLE.

  • Are you obedient?

  • You are chosen to be obedient. If you are not, what’s the point in God coming to this world, suffering and dying on the cross and sprinkling His blood on you?

  • Can your family testify that you are living a chosen life/ an obedient life/ a sanctified life?

  • Is your way of living same as that of an unbeliever?

  • Is there a difference?

Think about it!! God pulled you out and gave you a new life. It is your job to exercise your sanctification.

Sanctification is therefore a process that you need to work along with your God by being obedient to Him, thereby exercising and working out your salvation with God’s help.

Let’s move on ..

Verse 4 and 5Here in these verses, the focus is shifted from WHAT WE ARE to WHAT WE HAVE, such as –

  1. Living Hope – because of our Living Saviour

  2. Imperishable Inheritance

  3. Security

  4. Trials and Tests

  5. Living Hope

Our hope can sometimes be determined by our circumstances, troubles and fears. But how can we ever forget our never-fading, well-promised hope – Our Inheritance!!

Example: The lady who was suffering for 18 years had a hope that just one touch of His garment – she would he healed! After having tried every possible remedy and suffering for 18 long years, she pins up her hopes on THAT ONE TOUCH for healing. What a great hope!

Friends, this is the kind of hope that you and me ought to have. Our hopes about our plans in this world can evaporate! But think about your eternal hope. Focus on that! No matter what situation you may be going through, OUR HOPE CANNOT BECOME DEAD!

This life is very short, but the eternal life that awaits us will last forever!

  • Imperishable Inheritance

This world’s inheritance can perish but the inheritance that our Heavenly Father has in store for us in Heaven CANNOT PERISH! It cannot spoil! It cannot fade away! It is kept secure by God in heaven for us! A place where there is no pain nor sorrow nor pain nor hunger nor poverty, nor COVID!

While having kept that inheritance ready for us, He keeps us safe to enjoy that inheritance. So if you are really born again, you are shielded by HIS power until death, come what may!!

  • Security (Verse 5 – “Shielded by the power of God”)

No matter what happens, YOU ARE SHIELDED through HIS power!!

In other words, God is using His power to keep our faith in shape, and through this faith our Salvation is made secure.

Personal Application:

  • Are you worried about what’s been happening to your faith lately? Is it being evaporated day by day because of various situations?

  • Remember that your faith is secure, not because of who you are, but because of the POWER OF GOD.

  • His power is matchless! He is capable! His power is will shield your faith PROVIDED you are saved!!

  • Are you saved?

  • If you give your life to Jesus by putting your faith in Him, it is His responsibility to shield you, protect you and transform you into His likeness, while securing your faith and salvation, until He comes.

  • Facing Trials and Tests – with Joy, Faith and Hope

In a believer’s life, trials and tests are mandatory, although the level and the complexity of the situation may vary as per the respective context. One must remember that Christianity does not promise a beautiful and prosperous life here on this earth, but when we all get to Heaven – our eternal home.

Luke 9:23 says, “ Then He said to them all, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.’”

Jesus already gave us a heads up that we will have to carry our cross if we choose to follow Him.

So why face these tests while on earth? It’s because of three reasons –

  1. The world is already fragmented and cursed because of sin.

  2. Tests (suffering) produce something. God allows tests in our lives to correct us/ rebuke us.

  3. There is a prize (glory) that is waiting once you pass those tests.

  4. Suffering and glory always go hand in hand because at the end of these trials and tests, glory awaits. They cannot take away our joy.

Points to ponder:

  • If your joy is dependent on something that is yet to come, that joy can never be taken away. What is your joy based on today?

  • What is your primary source of your joy? If it is based on your living hope and secure inheritance, it can never be taken away.

  • Is your joy centered on God and what He has in store for you?

  • Are you looking/ probing for other futile resources?

  • Neither the prophets not the angels had the complete picture of Salvation, but thanks to the revelation of the Holy Spirit, we have the complete knowledge of this gracious gift of God.


  • How carefully are we treasuring this Salvation?

  • Are we taking it for granted?

  • Are we looking forward to this great hope, this great inheritance, this great joy?

  • Are we living in obedience as His Chosen people?

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