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SUNDAYS, 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.

- Proverbs 22:6

Children are a delight in the church and we just love them.


The children at Emmanuel House of Worship - Begumpet are energetic, vibrant, creative and highly talented. 


The church is prayerfully concerned for the spiritual needs and growth of the children, and so we have a focused and goal centred curriculum in our Sunday school at church. We translate our efforts in achieving our goals through:


1.Customised, Interactive / Creative Bible teaching:

Children are grouped into 4 levels based on ages

  • Beginners 

  • Primary 

  • Juniors

  • Seniors

The lessons are administered through games and quiz for effective learning. The Sunday school runs parallel to our service where a dedicated team of teachers conduct classes with a leader who oversees and ensures discipline and safety of the children. Children are taught to  praise and worship God with Biblical songs accompanied with music.


The Sunday school teachers are highly committed to ensure that each child is given his/her special attention, and ascertain his/her personal belief and faith in the Lord Jesus and to accept Him as personal Saviour and Lord.


2. The Vacation Bible school is annually conducted to enhance the children's knowledge of the Bible and to instil in them stronger Christian faith through missionary challenges and biographies of the saints.


3. Outdoor Activities are a part of the Sunday school curriculum. Children are taken in groups to places to give them exposure to learn from observations and interactions. 


4. A Special Christmas program is annually designed for all the children to invite their friends which gives them the opportunity to share the Gospel with them.  

V.B.S 2018
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