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2nd SATURDAY of the month

A woman who fears the Lord shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:30

Welcome to the Ladies Wing of Emmanuel House of Worship - Begumpet


You are meeting with a group of sisters who are all saved by His grace, and it is grace that gives us the bond of fellowship which we dearly enjoy, working together in unity of purpose.


We meet every Second Saturday of each month. We believe in the importance of meeting regularly to encourage one another (Hebrews 3:13). Guided by the grace of God, we are focused to study God's word together in depth, worship our Creator and pray and fellowship with one another. Initially, we were a handful but today, many sisters make our fellowship rich, strong and vibrant.


Gospel Activities:

We firmly believe that as Christians it is the Lord’s command to make disciples for Him. With much prayer and guidance by the Holy Spirit, we plan our Gospel meetings for women and children in various places. In the recent the past, God has helped us to conduct Gospel meetings during Christmas time with Nurses, House Helpers and HIV +ive patients and friends from other faiths. We also visit Old Age Homes and institutions for children with special needs. 



Our Regular Activities:​

  • Visiting the sick and the suffering patients 


  • Visiting the sick and needy members of our church 


  • Encouraging expecting mothers and praying for them


  • Counselling the young girls and prepare them for a Godly marriage    



Prayer Ministry: 

Jesus told His disciples in Luke 18:1 - “...we ought to pray and not to lose heart"


We are richly blessed to be a part of this ministry. We pray in pairs every day for the needs of the church families and the universal church. We experience God's presence mightily and we thank God for His leading and guidance and for providing answers to our prayers. These pandemic times have in fact made us much stronger in prayer and we meet virtually every day to pray for each other's needs, the  Church and the current situations. We are glad to be able to support the church with our ministry of prayer.


We immensely thank the Lord for the wonderful ways He leads and guides us each time we meet. 


We welcome you to be a part of this wonderful family! 


Please contact us on +91 9989 54 9909, +91 9849 06 5125

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