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SUNDAYS - 12:00pm - 1:30pm

Remember your Creator while you are young,
before the bad times come - before the years come when you say, "I have wasted my life".

- Ecclesiastes 12:1

Welcome to the Youth Wing of the Emmanuel House of Worship - Begumpet.


You have reached a team of young men and young women who dearly love the Lord Jesus and we are glad to be an integral part of a church that feeds and nourishes us and gives us the opportunity to be engaged in the work of the Lord. It is here that we constantly learn the fear of the Lord and it is in the church we are constantly given instructions and warnings on how to live for the Lord and to always seek to glorify Him in our personal lives. We thank God for a church that cares for its youth.


We meet every week for a fellowship time. Every young person in our church looks forward to this meeting  because this is the time and place when we feel very open to share our fears and feelings, and for each other's happiness, needs and concerns. We have fun-filled activities that make our learning of the Word of God enjoyable. We share our spiritual needs and some times our material needs and challenges in our careers, so that the entire group can pray for each other. Oh yes! it is true and our lives are a testimony for this truth. As for material needs, we practice what James in his epistle, is eloquent and elaborate about, meeting the material needs of fellow believers. We exercise our giving faith by sensing each other's physical needs and extending help accordingly. 

At times, when we feel weak and defeated in our spiritual lives, we believe in praying for strength and courage to face our situations. And it is here we fight the spiritual enemy on our knees better than in any other way. We see answers to our prayers in amazing ways for our spiritual needs that many of us are able to overcome sinful temptations which threaten us. We often claim the promise from Romans 6:14, that sin shall not have dominion over us because we are under grace.

The most enlightening times and spiritual refreshment comes when we young men meet for a time of revival prayer on Saturdays at 5:30 in the morning. It is here we learn the deep things of God and begin to intercede for various problems and needs in the nation, state, city and in the Kingdom of God. This is the most blessed time of the week for us.


Every youth meeting would have an energising activity where everyone of us can participate, laugh and have some fun together. We ensure that this activity, along with creating fun, would also help all of us identify areas of improvement in our personal and spiritual lives as we make it a point to debrief the activity and to challenge everyone to improve ourselves.


Youth fellowship would be incomplete without learning from the Word of God. Many are the needs of young men and women but it is the Word of God that meets all of them. We would pick up a passage from the Bible and everyone in the group is given a chance to share his/her thoughts and views about the scripture portion in consideration, so that we may be edified and encouraged by our learning. Our focus is NOT to cram our minds with Bible knowledge but to encourage each other to translate the Biblical knowledge into Christ-like living. After all, the Word of God commands us to live like the Son of God, our Saviour, Jesus Christ! 


We are richly blessed when the Church leadership creates opportunities for us to go on camps and outreach trips to several places. We also enjoy distributing Gospel tracts and visiting hospitals where we share comfort with the suffering patients and pray for them. 


The couple of hours of time we spend in this fellowship just flies and we would look forward to meeting again the following week! 


If you want to join us, please feel free to contact us: +91 733 707 9991 or

+91 984 909 5239

week 3 | Breaking Bad Habits
Youth Fellowship
Week 6 | Godliness in a google world
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