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You are a very important person

No one may have said this to you. But God who created you says, you are not only important but you are very special. He designed you and your life to be special. He desires you to enjoy the good things of life and live well.


My dear friend, we have not met each other before. Perhaps, we may not meet again. But if you can spare a few minutes to read through this page, you will soon discover the joy of living a meaningful and the most satisfying life, and discover your importance.


As men and women, we seek satisfaction and fulfilment in the things we do. We seek pleasure in movies and entertainment, in alcohol or drugs, in relationships and in parties. But soon we learn that pleasure is short lived and relationships break and don’t last long. Some of us run after making money and gaining property but in the twist of a deal, we get cheated and deceived. 


We feel devastated. We begin to blame people and circumstances. As religious people, we even ask, why has God allowed this to happen to us. We become victims of ridicule, shame and guilt. We wish these things had not happened to us. Our joy is stolen away and are dreams get shattered.  We feel sick, and sufferings take hold of us. We shed tears, but no one seems to care. Suddenly, the life that we thought was beautiful and enjoyable, has crashed, and our life that we had so dearly loved has fallen apart.


All this has happened because there is an invisible enemy in our life that has caused all this wreckage and damage to our beautiful life. His main intention is to steal away the joy of life. He creeps in unawares to kill us and to destroy us. As the invisible enemy, he has  found entrance to our gullible minds, and craving hearts, and weak will and made us run after temporary pleasures, property, money, and wrong relationships. He even has broken happy marriages. We have been trapped and become helpless victims, and we are unable to come out of this wicked enemy’s hold.


But friend, remember, you are important and special to God. You need not stay in the bondage and chains of your enemy the devil. Like a thief, if he has robbed you of the joy of life and made your life miserable, you need not despair. God says, the thief’s purpose is to steal, to kill and to destroy. But My purpose is to give you life in all its fullness (a). You can have this life full and free. All you need to do is to believe in Him. His word says, God so loved men and women like you and me, that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, so that anyone who believes in Him, will not be destroyed but have eternal life(b). It is not God’s will that you should perish or be destroyed (c). Jesus says, l have come to seek and save those who are lost (d).


Friend, all you need to do is to believe in Jesus Christ as your Saviour who can save you from your bondage to the enemy’s chains. The enemy has misused and abused your mind, your heart and made you experiment with all the pleasures in the wrong way, and then trapped you. You need to come to Jesus Christ and admit to Him that you have misused and abused your God-given mind and heart and will in the wrong pursuits of life. You remained ignorant that your misdeeds which God calls as sins, deserve punishment (e) But Jesus, since He loves you, took your punishment on Himself. That is why He suffered and died on the Cross and shed His blood to forgive you your sins and to cleanse you and give you a clean, new life. He also physically rose again from death and He is living forever as Lord and God. Ask for His forgiveness and to give you a new life free from sin, guilt and shame. His word says, If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from every wrong (f). When you believe in Jesus, you will have His life in you. The Bible says, whoever has God’s Son, has life; whoever does not have His Son, does not have life (g).


Dear friend, thank you for taking time to read this page. It is my prayer for you that you will be saved from your sins like l was saved. I was delivered from all the wrong things that had held me. Jesus set me free. That is why l have the joy to give you this tract. If you need further help, please reach me on my email


I will be your friend and can meet with you and help you know more about the Life in Jesus Christ.


God bless you my friend!


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(a) John 10:10 (b) John 3:16 (c) Matthew 18:14 (d) Luke 19:10 (e) Romans 6:23 (f) l John 1:9  (g) I John 5:1

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